A Chairde
Le Chéile London – London Together

We hope that you all are safe and well. St Patrick’s Day is almost upon us, very different celebrations this year, but nonetheless several events for people to link into and enjoy. The theme of the parade Le Chéile London ,to honour the united efforts of the Irish Community, our health workers and all other essential  people , who have fought so hard to beat this virus.

We must thank the Mayor of London, in these troubled times, for wholeheartedly supporting and ensuring that the Irish in London can celebrate the feast of our national saint. Also huge thanks to our Ambassador Adrian O’Neill and all the staff at the embassy of Ireland.

London Mayor to host virtual St Patrick’s Day celebrations.

This mentions just some of the events in connection with the celebration. There are many more events such as The Irish in Britain, the Irish Elderly Advice Network, the Fr Murphy’s Camogie and Ladies Football Club &The Green Curtain Theatre Group to mention but a few. Over the next weeks there will be coverage in the Irish Post, The Irish World, Gerry Byrne on Irish Radio and ‘The Craic is Back’ magazine. Please do support and let all in your circle know what is on and how to access them.

These are challenging times, but thanks to the people who have stepped up and met the challenge, producing events which can reach a worldwide audience, using modern technology.

Le chéile a choinneáil sábháilte agus go maith



Dear All,

I hope everyone is keeping safe and well during these strange times, pray that brighter days are not too far away. Again this year there will be no St Patrick’s Day parade, but there will be several virtual events as part of the Mayor of London’s St Patrick’s Day Celebrations:

Le Chéile Londáin – London Together
This is to honour the part the Irish Community have played during the current pandemic, everyone  from Nurses, doctors ,welfare workers, transport drivers , postmen and everyone who played a part in keeping things running through hard times.

For the last number of years the girls of Fr Murphy’s Camogie & Ladies Gaelic Football  Club have carried the county and provincial flags at the head of the city’s parade, as this cannot take place, we are organising a virtual 5k, which up to 80 people will run a virtual race on or before March 21st 2021, here in London as well as former players in Ireland, USA and Australia.

We have several nurses and other health workers, playing both camogie and ladies football, they have been through a real tough time for at least twelve months now. As a club we wanted to show support and gratitude for their unselfish efforts, so the proceeds of this event will be going to cover their 2021 professional registration fees,

Every year each nurse has to pay £120.00 to the nursing council, as a registration to continue in the care for others. We have girls from most counties in Ireland  and they would all appreciate your support, for this very good cause. We have set up a Go Fund Me page: 
Fr Murphy’s Support for our Health Workers.

We would be delighted with any donations, thank you. If anyone wants to put an advertisement in our brochure it is £120.00 per page, the equivalent of one  nurse’s registration. We fully understand times are difficult at the moment and some of you have already donated to the club, but we would appreciate your help on this one by donating and sharing this with others.

Thank you for your assistance.
Stay safe and well,

Le Chéile – Together we will shine through this 

MOBILE: 0794 4178879

The Limerick Association Chairman Con Kelly welcomed all to the inaugural Christmas Draw 2020. Those few of us who were able to attend the event in person, socially distanced ourselves at the Windmill venue. Others participated by screening the occasion live on Facebook. It was a highly successful event and a great triumph for our new committee. Congratulations to the Prize Winners:

Patsy Davies (Clare/London)
Ticket for the ROSCOMMON MEMBERS DRAW for an apartment

Willy and Anne Marie Roberts (Limerick/London)
Ticket for the ROSCOMMON MEMBERS DRAW for an apartment 

Gerry Rea (Limerick/London)

Danny Fealy (Limerick)

Liam Downey (Limerick)

Willie Gorey (Limerick/London)

Gerry Fitzgerald (Limerick/London)

Con Kelly thanked everyone involved, especially our Treasurer Shaun Connery, who covered every inch of London selling tickets. Also big thanks to the Fr Murphy’s Ladies Club for donating the tickets for the apartment draw. Con further congratulated the Limerick hurling team on their fantastic All Ireland win. Well done lads for flying the Limerick flag high and proud. It is our hope that we will host the Liam McCarthy Cup over here during 2021.

Con, on behalf of every one associated with the Limerick Exiles Association, wished everyone a merry  Christmas and a happy &  successful New Year. Stay safe every one: HANDS – FACE – SPACE. We look forward to catching up with you all in 2021.


On a Saturday morning, just before Christmas, a small group made their way through the near flooded Kensal Rise Cemetery in North West London, to lay a wreath on the grave of Sean Óg Hanley, a famed hurler from Kilfinane. Sean Óg had the distinction of winning All Ireland Hurling titles with both his native Limerick and London. He won the 1901 title with London which was not played until 1904. He sadly became ill and passed away in 1915 at the age of 38 years.

The small party consisted of Con Dee (Murroe/Boher) President of the Limerick Exiles Association and their Chairman Con Kelly (Tournafulla). Together with former Chairman of the London GAA Larry O’Leary, they tidied up the grave of Sean Óg. And then the two Con’s laid a wreath on behalf of the Limerick Exiles Association. A brief prayer was said for Sean Óg and Gaels everywhere who have departed this life.

IMAGE: Con Dee(left) and Con Kelly lay a wreath.

IMAGE: The grave of Sean Óg with a flooded field behind it.


Sadly, The Limerick Association was wound up last month. However, the good news is that all the business of representing and promoting the interests of the people of Limerick in London has now been taken over by the Limerick Exiles Association.

Memberships cards are now available at £10 each. And each membership card will be entered into a pre-Christmas draw for two tickets for the ‘Win a Home in London’ prize draw. This provides a fantastic chance to win a £695,000 luxury apartment on London’s CIty Island! Plus, there will be chances to win other seasonal prizes.

Sadly, Coved 19 has curtailed any large gatherings for the time being. However, we will endeavour to keep in touch through telephone, email as well as social media. We are standing by you all!

Stay safe & stay well Limerick Abú,